Editorial & Advisory Board

Editorial Board Overview

The Editorial Board consists of not less than four Board Certified Nuclear Pharmacists, representative of participants in the CPE program.  The Board members must be BCNP, and have experience and/or training in nuclear pharmacy education as well as manuscript development and critique.  Board members are invited to participate for a term of three years at a time.  Term can be extended.

The Editorial Board is a critical part of the peer-review process of continuing education required for recertification as a Board Certified nuclear Pharmacist.  The Editorial Board will also serve as a resource for educational topics of interest and potential authors of continuing education material.

Editorial Board Members

Stephen Dragotakes, RPh, BCNP, FAPhA
Michael Mosley, RPh, BCNP
Neil Petry, RPh, MS, BCNP, FAPhA
Tim Quinton, PharmD, BCNP, FAPhA
Sally Schwarz, BCNP
Duann Vanderslice, BCNP
Thistlethwaite, RPh, BCNP, FAPhA
John Yuen, PharmD, BCNP


Advisory Board Overview

The Advisory Board will consist of not less than six Board Certified Nuclear Pharmacists to equally represent all practice areas of the of the target audience.  In addition, the board members will have experience and/or training in the identification of learning needs of the practicing community. Advisory Board members will be invited to participate for a term of three years.  Term can be extended.

The Advisory Board is critical in the identification of topics for the Radiopharmacy continuing education program.  The Advisory Board will serve as representatives of the audience of nuclear pharmacists.  The Advisory Board will also provide a definitive, practical determination of the continuing education credit to be awarded for each CE lesson.

Advisory Board Members

Dave Engstrom, PharmD, BCNP
Christine Brown, BCNP
Leana DiBenedetto, BCNP
Walter Holst, PharmD, BCNP
Susan Lardner, BCNP
Vivian Loveless, PharmD, BCNP, FAPhA
Brigette Nelson, MS, PharmD, BCNP
Brantley Strickland, BCNP